HUGE ALIEN TRIANGLE SPOTTED OVER NORTH CAROLINA JULY 1988 ……………….. FAIRVIEW NORTH CAROLINA “I have collected a number of reports from witnesses over the years that have claimed to see this aircraft, or at very least, one that is similar in its description and flight capabilities. On one occasion a number of years ago, I was filling in for the host of a Saturday night radio program in that used to air in my hometown of Asheville, North Carolina, when we received a live call-in from a gentleman named Brian, who shared a very vivid recollection of seeing this aircraft himself in 1988. When Brian called into the program, he told us about having recently watched a television program on History Channel that recounted people’s experiences seeing large, silent triangular aircraft, which had prompted him to call in and share his own experience. “They were talking about that triangle shaped object that moves at snail-speed. My cousin and I witnessed that on a July night in 1988. It came straight...