
Free and open source satallite imagery

 Here are some free and open sources from where you can get satallite images: National Institute for Space Research (INPE) NASA Reverb-Satallite data for Masters Global Land Cover Facility-Derived satallite data NOAA Class-An Ocean for free satallite data Bhuvan Indian Geo-platform of ISRO JAXA's Global ALOS 3d World USGS Earth Explorer   ESA's Sentinel Mission Characteristics of Each Sources: Credits : ISRO, IIRS Dehradun  


OCTOBER 22, 2015 ……… PEARLAND TEXAS “Hi, my name is Michael. I live in Pearland Texas, just on the outskirts of Houston. I had a strange sighting this past October 22nd. I’ve been looking for an explanation online somewhere but haven’t found anything close to what I saw, maybe you or one of your readers could shed some light on it. About 8:30 am I was on my way home from dropping a friend off at work, I was turning from Interstate 45 onto Dixie Farm Rd, when I saw what initially looked like a plane, but I just can’t say that’s what it actually was, due to its strange appearance. It looked like a plane, only it was sort of fat in appearance, its wings were average size, but it had no windows, and I saw no engines. It was dull gray with a single blue stripe along the length of its body. I figured it had to be a blimp, only there were no tether wires or strings holding it in place. It was perfectly still and unwavering despite it being a very windy overcast day. It was very low to...

The Togo Beach UFO Incident – Paralysis, Blinding Lights, And Further Suggestions Of Underwater Bases

  By Marcus Lowth  “A strange UFO encounter on the coast of Togo in March 1974 is another incident that suggests UFOs have more of a connection to the waters of our planet than many might think. Furthermore, it is an event that features the bizarre paralysis of the witnesses – something that can be found in many other close encounter accounts. It would also appear that the witness, in this case, was largely very credible, especially given his wish for anonymity as opposed to relishing the limelight he would have found himself if he had made his identity public. There were also several similar encounters around the same time, some of which reached as far as Europe, perhaps suggesting some kind of alien reconnaissance mission on the part of these apparent extraterrestrial visitors. The incident first appeared to the public in the March 1976 edition of Phenomenes Spatiaux as reported by Joel Mesnard following his interview with the witness. It is on his research that we base the ...


  By Andrew Griffin “Scientists have picked up light from the other side of a black hole for the first ever time. Such an observation might seem not just difficult but outright impossible, given black holes famously eat up any light that goes near them. But the new study used an unusual effect where light “echoes” around the black hole, such that scientists can see it from the other side. The detection came after scientists examined X-rays that were being thrown out into the universe by a supermassive black hole that sits in the middle of another galaxy, 800 million light years away.” Credits:


JULY 2018 ……………………SEBRING FLORIDA “I am 31 years old. I live in Sebring. I believe I have seen the same UFO twice in my life, it’s hard to say if it was the exact same one. Once, I saw it in the evening, flying towards the west as the sun was coming down, it was a V shaped craft, silver/gray, no distinct features, just a simple aircraft in the shape of a V, the point of the V seemed to be the front of the craft. Once again, I believe I saw the same UFO, this time, ten years later, but at night, flying extremely low, a V shaped craft flew over my apartment complex, while me and some neighbors were sitting outside, I saw one light coming up over the woods, it looked like an orange streetlight but it was moving towards us, just above the tree line, as I was watching it, wondering what I was seeing, two more lights appeared behind it, then two more, and two more, until we were looking at a V shaped craft with lights underneath. As soon as me and another neighbor jumped up to get a better v...

Magnetars - The Strongest Stellar Magnets

 A Magnetar is a type of Neutron Star that has a very high magnetic field. Like other neutron stars, magnetars are around 20 kilometres (12 miles) in diameter and have a mass about 1.4 solar masses. They are formed by the collapse of a Massive Star in an explosion called Supernova.  A Magnetar's Magnetic Field is about 1000 Trillion Times stronger than Earth's Magnetic Field. Starquake is similar to an earthquake, but it occurs on the crust of a Magnetar. As this happens, the magnetar releases a Blast of Radiation. Scientists have only detected 3 Starquakes (each in 1979, 1998, 2004).  The theory regarding these Cosmic Magnets was proposed by Robert Duncan and Christopher Thompson in 1992.  The 1st recorded Burst of Gamma Rays thought to have been from a magnetar had been detected on 5 March 1979. 2 Soviet Satellites named Venera 11 and Venera 12 were hit by this burst at approximately 10:51 EST. 11 seconds later, "Helios 2" Satellite of NASA and later "Pioneer V...

2005, Triangle UFO over Maryland

  “Triangle Depiction Frank Griffin is a firm believer in extraterrestrial life, but he didn't like the eerie shadow he saw gliding across the sky behind his home in Owings Mills earlier this month. The Lockheed Martin software engineer was in his backyard looking at the stars the evening of Feb. 9, when a black triangle hovering overhead caught his eye. "It was very dark and this thing was so hard to see," he said. "But it was moving slowly, with no lights and no noise. Honestly, I didn't feel comfortable. It was sort of scary." Owings Mills, Md., is a densely populated suburb not far from a local airport, Andrews Air Force Base and the Patuxent Naval Air Station. But for Griffin, who has studied aircraft since he was a child, the object didn't look like anything he'd ever seen or heard about before. The black triangle was at a low altitude, maybe 500 to 800 feet, with no lights, he said. "It was so low, at first I thought it was something caug...