Magnetars - The Strongest Stellar Magnets

 A Magnetar is a type of Neutron Star that has a very high magnetic field. Like other neutron stars, magnetars are around 20 kilometres (12 miles) in diameter and have a mass about 1.4 solar masses. They are formed by the collapse of a Massive Star in an explosion called Supernova. 

A Magnetar's Magnetic Field is about 1000 Trillion Times stronger than Earth's Magnetic Field.

Starquake is similar to an earthquake, but it occurs on the crust of a Magnetar. As this happens, the magnetar releases a Blast of Radiation. Scientists have only detected 3 Starquakes (each in 1979, 1998, 2004). 

The theory regarding these Cosmic Magnets was proposed by Robert Duncan and Christopher Thompson in 1992. 

The 1st recorded Burst of Gamma Rays thought to have been from a magnetar had been detected on 5 March 1979. 2 Soviet Satellites named Venera 11 and Venera 12 were hit by this burst at approximately 10:51 EST. 11 seconds later, "Helios 2" Satellite of NASA and later "Pioneer Venus Orbiter" too detected this burst. It was over 100 times more intense than any known previous extra-solar burst. The source was a remnant of a star that had gone Supernova in around 3000 BCE. It was from Large Magellanic Cloud and the source was named "SGR 0525-66".


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