The Chilling Caucasus Mountains Abduction Encounter

By Marcus Lowth “We have looked before at some of the more interesting UFO sightings to come out of the old Soviet Union, many of which remained unknown to the West due to the secrecy and distrust during the Cold War. While they are not as prominent, several accounts of alien contact behind the Iron Curtain have also come to light in the decades following the collapse of the Soviet regime. One particularly chilling encounter stands out more than most. What’s more, the location of the incident, the Caucasus Mountain range, is a location of apparent widespread importance and has been throughout history. Indeed, as we will look at in more detail in a future article, they served as a gateway for the remains of the elites of the Babylonian and Egyptian empires to enter into Europe thousands of years ago. While there is understandable doubt as to the authenticity of the upcoming account – which was sent to Russian UFO investigators by letter in 2001 – some of the details crop up in othe...