What’s the connection between almost 80 years of UFO encounters?

 What’s the connection between almost 80 years of UFO encounters?

by: Duncan Phenix

Jun 8, 2021 

“MYSTERY WIRE — The flying Tic Tac, the Gimbal, a Metallic Blimp, Pyramids and more have been seen near United States military jets and ships over the last 17 years. Most people would call them UFOs, but the government calls them UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena).

One man who has been researching them for more than 50 years says it might all be the same phenomena.

Rich Hoffman is a 26-year systems analyst for the U.S. Army and a co-founder of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU). The SCU is a private group of scientists, military analysts, and investigators.

Hoffman has investigated uap encounters and sightings dating back into the 1940’s.

It’s experience that has given him insight into a pattern he sees continuing to this day.

“There seems to be the potential that it’s connected to either water as a base,” Hoffman told Mystery Wire in a recent interview. “If you think about that, you know, what, what are we doing, we’re sending out crafts to other planets, we’re not sending out humans, per se, we’re sending out crafts to go land on these other planets. If we found that there was some sort of a life form on the planet, how would we approach that if the planet was largely water, we might want to go and hide in the water and just observe them and survey them for a long time to write, do reconnaissance work. Well, some of the size of the objects we have that are being reported as UFOs are like no bigger than a grapefruit, do you think that that’s piloted? No, that’s remote.”

Credits: www.mysterywire.com


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