Modesto Ufo Incident
2006 - Modesto, CA -
“I was feeling pretty good about my 'captures' and went back outside to retrieve my camera and tripod, (this was about an hour later).
I had just grabbed the tripod and started to walk back when I noticed a huge reflection in the North by Northwest skies. Well I thought to myself, I'm here with the camera and tripod in my hand so what the hell, let's take a few more shots! I had the camera in burst mode so was able to fire off five shots instantly and then came back inside to see if I'd gotten lucky again.
The very first shot nearly made me fall out of my chair. It seem to have many of the characteristics of a classic disc. I quickly opened up the small photo program to zoom in on the object and was surprised to see what appears to be a cupola on the top of this object.
There also appears to be a few of the orb or spheroid shaped objects flying nearby.”
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