The Mothership-Rendezvous Over The Gulf Of Mexico – The B-29 UFO Incident

By Marcus Lowth 

“In terms of UFO activity, 1952 was a busy year, with waves of UFO sightings taking place across the planet. One of those incidents played out in early December, toward the end of the 1952 wave. The incident involved an entire crew of a B-29 Bomber, who, both visually and on radar, noted six separate incidents as they flew back to base around 100 miles off the Louisiana coast.

What’s more, the incident remains unexplained as far as the United States military is concerned, at least officially. Perhaps of further interest, other sightings of very similar craft involving United States military aircraft would continue into the opening weeks of 1953, with each of them having an extraterrestrial reconnaissance feel about them.

Were alien beings monitoring the United States, and perhaps other countries’ militaries during the years following the carnage of the Second World War and the growing threats of the Cold War?

The Gulf Of Mexico incident, and the others we will examine, are perhaps especially intriguing given the recent video leaks that have been confirmed as authentic, and just might prompt researchers and investigators to examine such incidents once again almost three-quarters of a century after they took place.”

Note picture below is a representation


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