“At a little before 8:30 pm on the evening of 11th December 1996, running along the side of Fox Lake, two witnesses, FOX2 and FOX3 who were cousins, traveling together but in separate vehicles on the Klondike Highway, would witness a “huge UFO” seemingly hovering over the frozen water.

Seemingly each of them saw the bizarre and mysterious craft at the same time as each pressed down on their respective breaks in unison with the other. While FOX3 remained in his vehicle, FOX2 would exit his car in order to get a better look at the hovering, glittering craft.

As he did so, it appeared to move through the air towards him. In seemingly no time at all the object was directly over the top of him. As both of the men continued to look from their respective vantage points, the object moved away from them. It would eventually disappear over a nearby hill.

Each would later recall how the object was a “smooth and solid object” with various lights on the underside.

Although the two cousins were not aware of it at the time, several moments before they watched the object approach and pass over them, two other witnesses, FOX4 and FOX5, a young couple with their young child, traveling in the same direction, were approaching the southernmost tip of Fox Lake.

From their perspective, they could see “rows of lights” moving across the surface of the lake. Around these steady rows of lights, several other, flashing and seemingly random lights would appear. The pair would entertain the thought that what they were seeing was a truck or even a commercial airplane that had crashed into the lake. Then, the situation forced them to think again.

They reasoned that the lights were moving much too slowly and purposely for such a scenario. The slow realization swept over them that what they were seeing was a craft of unknown origin.

They watched the strange object for several more moments before it vanished over the hill and out of their sight. A little unnerved they decided to proceed with their journey. When FOX5 checked the clock on the car’s dashboard it read 8:23 pm.

It would be several minutes later when FOX5, with FOX4 in the passenger seat, passed by the two cousins, both of whom were now stood outside their cars. He would bring their car to a stop so they could speak with them. As he did so he asked out loud: What the heck was that?

The four of them talked for several moments before FOX5 and FOX4 returned to their vehicle. They would go to the Braeburn Lodge where they stopped to pick up a coffee. As he walked in, FOX1 was leaving. Several moments later, FOX2 and FOX3 arrived.

A sixth witness would also come forward. However, unlike the other witnesses, FOX6 was unsure of the exact time. Looking at the statements of the other witnesses, though, it would appear she was driving past Fox Lake at between 8 pm and no later than 8:30 to 8:40 pm.

She would suddenly notice a “sudden glow” hit the interior of her vehicle that was most definitely not due to the dashboard. Any such notions were dispelled when she looked out of the window to see a “large arrangement of multicolored lights” moving across the sky above. At the same time, the electrics of the vehicle appeared to fail as the lights went dim and the tape player slowed almost to a stop.

Beginning around somewhere between 8:30 pm and 9 pm came another multiple witness sighting in nearby Pelly Crossing. The small town sits around two hours away from Fox Lake. Incidentally, the witnesses are recorded in a similar way to the Fox Lake sightings above.

The witness, PEL1 was tending to his game traps when he noticed several lights in a row moving across the top of the hills in the distance. Much like witnesses to the Fox Lake encounter only minutes previously, PEL1 at first thought he was witnessing a large aircraft crashing to the ground. However, he then noticed how slow and purposeful the movement was.

Suddenly, the realization hit him – “it’s a UFO!”

He began walking towards the craft, his flashlight swinging, almost forgotten, in his grip as he did so. Unintentionally, he would catch the lights in the beam of the flashlight. As if in a reaction, the craft then headed in his direction, speeding up somewhat as it did so.

In what appeared to be no time at all, the solid craft with multiple lights was hovering no more than 300 yards from him. No sound whatsoever came from the craft, but suddenly, a light emerged from the underside. It made sweeping motions of the ground below as if it was a searchlight.

As PEL1 remained where he was watching the craft move slightly to one side as if looking for something – or someone – several other beams of light emerged from the object. One, heading straight out in front, was an illuminous green color. Two more similar beams appeared to project from the back.

He began to back away from the scene, a little unnerved. He moved his focus away from the craft for a moment. When he looked back, it was gone.

While there were 12 separate witnesses between the two locations of Fox Lake and Pelly Crossing, in the nearby village of Carmacks, a further 9 witnesses from two separate locations would also report sightings of what is almost certainly the same object.”

NOTE: The image below is a representation


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