“The following is a statement given by 1st. Lt. Joseph C. McHenry, Billeting Officer, Muroc Army Air Field, Muroc, California, statement given on 11 July 1947, to Mr. Thomas A. McMillan, CIC S/A. this station.
The following statement concerning the actual observance of what has been termed as a “flying Disc” or a “flying saucer” is true and correct and it will be noted that the above mentioned observance was made by me personally while enjoying complete health in mind and body.
On Tuesday 8 July 1947, at approximately nine-thirty A.M. (09:30) was in conversation with personnel in the Post Exchange Office. My part of this conversation was as follows:
“Someone will have to show me one of these Disc (sic) before I will believe it.”
Upon leaving the Post Exchange, I went directly to my Office and before entering heard one of our local aircraft in the traffic pattern. Looking up, as I always do I observed the aircraft, and looked slightly to the left, whereupon I observed two (2) silver objects of either a spherical or disc-like shape, moving about three hundred (300) miles an hour, or perhaps less, as approximately eight thousand (8000) feet, heading at about three hundred twenty degrees (320) due north.
When I first observed these objects I called S/Sgt. Gerald E. Nauman, T/Sgt. Joseph Ruvolo and Miss Jannette Marie Scotte who immediately came to where I was standing. I pointed in the direction of the objects, and asked them the question “Tell me what you see up there.” Whereupon, all the three (3) with sundry comments stated, “They are flying Disc”. To further verify my observance I asked them to tell me in what direction the objects were traveling, without indicating their direction myself, and again, all three (3) in a consistant nature stated that the objects were moving toward Mojave, California.
I had time to look away several times and renew my vision of the objects to make sure that they were not any results of eye strain, or in any nature an optical illusion. The objects in question were not repeat, were not aircraft, the objects could not have been weather balloons released from this station, since they were traveling against the prevailing wind, and since the speed in which they were traveling, disqualified the fact that they were weather balloons.”
NOTE: The image below is artwork 
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