“I was about 12 or 13 years old. It was daytime and I was doing someones hair in the living room near the front door of the house. I heard a loud humming and fluctuating sound coming from outside. I went out to see what it was. I stood out in the middle of my front yard looking up. Trees obstructed my view until the craft slowly moved into view right above the tree top. It then stopped over me. I felt paralyzed, maybe because I was shocked. I know I was thinking, pay attention to everything you see so you don’t miss any detail and can remember what you are seeing. The craft was shaped like a disc, but it tapered in the back to a point. It was a little more round at the top and flatter(but not flat) underneath, like a disc. It had 3 elongated lights around the front, but were spaced . I saw none in the back. It was about 30-40 feet in diameter. After a few moments, it moved slowly over me and that is when I saw the back of it. I was very scared, thinking- what is going to happen to me. I felt like those inside knew I was there and they were observing me. I also felt like they had almost called me outside only. The reason I say this is because I can’t understand why no one else in the house came out. It was so loud! Why didn’t the others follow me out to see what the noise was? After the craft had moved very slowly over me a very short distance, it took off extremely fast and slightly to the right of the path it appeared to be on when it came. I became completely hysterical, screaming as I ran into the house. I yelled at my mom and dad screaming we have to call the police the government, somebody, everybody, anybody. Nobody believed me, they did their best to calm me down and told me it must have been a plane. They were wrong! It was no plane. It wasn’t shaped like a plane. It didn’t sound like a plane and it didn’t move like a plane in maneuvering or speed. My dad went out to look around and said he saw a transport plane out there in the distance. What I saw was long gone even before I began to run to the house. I never knew who I could share this with all these years. Family or friends never believed my story, but I never forgot it to this day. I have no pictures of course- it came and went unexpectedly. I can draw a picture of it, but don’t know how to summit that. I would never believe in UFO’s had I not seen one for myself. I have never had any other experience since then. I don’t remember my street address where this encounter took place, but could look it up from school records if I had to I’m sure, I just don’t know how to do it.”

NOTE: The image below is a rendering.

This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.


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