“On July 5, 2015, (Sunday) at 4:30 PM CDT, my son and I were hanging up new flags on my flag post. He was hoisting up the flags, so I was looking into the sky, watching them go up. Much to my surprise, right in my line of sight, a UFO was passing overhead. It was traveling from due South to due North at what appeared to me to be a very high velocity. It was snow white with no visible markings or lights. I had a very clear view of it before it disappeared out of my sight. I could clearly see it for about 5 to 10 seconds. If it was the size of a 747, I would estimate the altitude at 2500 to 3500 feet. My gut feeling is that it was much larger than a 747. It was traveling at an angle of about 70 percent from the plane of the earth. At speed and angle traveling it looked like it was heading into orbit. To our South was a large bank of white clouds – the north was deep blue clear sky and very clear visibility with no haze or air pollution. After I have had time to reflect on it, I think it may have been cloaked white, while it was in the clouds, and not cloaked to blue in time not to be seen. At rate of speed and angle of ascent, it could not have left the ground more than maybe 10 miles South of my location. and there are no known airports or military base in that area. It had two short stubby wings in the front, about 10 to 15 percent from the front of the fuselage. These apparent wings were only about 5 to 10 percent of the length of the fuselage. Very short and nothing like I have ever seen before – almost like the were just stabalizers while in flight in the atmosphere. The front of the craft was rounded like a normal plane. The rear was also rounded and only about 25 percent as wide as the front. There was absolutely no tail gear on it that I could discern. ((NUFORC Note: We spoke via telephone with this witness, and we found him to be quite objective in his description of the object, and seemingly quite sincere. He is a former member of the U. S. military, and we suspect that he is a very good witness.”
NOTE: The image below is a rendering.
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