Wordings of an Eye Witness
“In the summer of 1966 , it was late evening and I was with a friend in the front yard of my home. We were talking and laughing when I had a strange “watched” feeling. I was drawn away from our conversation and 3 craft approached noiselessly and then hovered over the area across from my house. There was a large one and 2 small ones. All 3 were alike, domed top with a narrowing bottom. There was a ring of windows around the center and we were able to see “beings”. One was larger and they seemed to be observing us. They were consistent in watching us during this time, possibly 10 minutes or a bit more. When I was able to break loose of what I was seeing, I ran into my house and pulled my Dad out. When he saw the craft, he went to call a contact from Hulman AFB but was unable to make a connection. He then got on his car phone, made the report and stood in the yard with me and my friend. Dad told me the AF would check on this. During this whole time, the craft continued to hover and didn’t leave until AF jets could be heard approaching. The crafts left, dead stop to unbelievably fast, jets flew over and the sighting was over. We were extremely shaken after this and my Dad had to take my friend home. My friend was never able to speak with me about this.”
NOTE: The image below is CGI.
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