CARBON BASED LIFE FOUND:.. (25143 Itokawa)

Previously known as"1998 SF36" is a sub-kilometer near-Earth object of the Apollo group & a potentially hazardous asteroid. 

& it's the asteroid that we have only recently recived over 900 Itokawa particles from, they have been separated & are curated in an ISO-6 cleanroom at the Planetary Material Sample Curation Facility of JAXA; based on mineralogy, chemistry & oxygen isotope compositions, the particles are linked directly to LL ordinary chondrites.

Organic analyses have been carried out on fewer than ten of the Itokawa particles, & all were found to contain organic matter which includes a group of particles (category 3 particles) composed predominantly of carbon despite organic carbon not generally being abundant in ordinary chondrites.

However, the origin of the observed organic matter has yet to be established with certainty, as its isotopic composition

"(δD = − 3 to + 135‰; δ13C = − 27 to + 3‰; δ15N = − 4 to + 18‰"

falls within a zone that overlaps with both terrestrial & some extra-terrestrial organic matter Parent body metamorphism in ordinary chondrites has also been shown to dramatically alter the elemental and isotopic compositions of the containing organic matter.

Or for short, unevolved ALIEN matter, carbon baced, frozen in water.

So are we alone in this universe? 


What if a random asteroid can fight for life?


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