PV System - Reformation Guidelines

Note: The below reform has been adopted on  18 May 2021. 

Official Declaration:

 PV System - Reformation


- Manas Verma

- Initially Proposed to Yatin on 11/05/2021  

-Official Declaration on 14/05/2021

  • Background 

This proposal was made keeping in mind the lack of response, interest and responsibility in the Research Department (DUFOR) of EURO,International regarding the Demo Project (Michael Lombardi Case). 

A Departmental Report and 2 Individual
Reports were assigned to DUFOR, but due to certain personal reasons the departmental report and one of the individual reports were not submitted. 

The reports were assigned on 18th of April 2021 and were expected to be submitted on 25thApril 2021 and the Official Submission was
planned on 2 nd May 2021. The Report 
Submission (RS) date was later decided to be postponed to 9th April 2021 giving DUFOR a total duration of 3 Weeks only for research. Due to this Incredible Delay in the RS of DUFOR, the Broadcasting Department (EURON) was not able to perform its duty. In order to prevent further cases like such 
of irresponsibility, the PV System (Promotional Volunteering System) was proposed by Manas 
Verma, Vice Chief of EURO, International.

  •  Overview

In the PV System, PV stands for
Promotional Volunteering which means the promotional system will be based on the members who volunteers for the research and as per their 
contribution, Promotional Ranks will be decided. The main objective of this system is to ensure efficiency in the research and equal participation of the members based on their specialization.

  • Explanation

A. Volunteering Procedure -

Research topics will be decided by the Board Committee and accordingly the researchers are expected to volunteer themselves for the research. The pre-decided duration of the Research (DUFOR) is of 1 week and another 1 week is for Editing (EURON). A meeting will be held after the declaration of the topics and the topics will be explained thoroughly, as well as discussions & deliberations will be conducted on it. After all these procedures, the members will be expected to volunteer themselves for the research. 

“Members from any department (EURON, DUFOR as well as the Board Committee) can take the initiative to volunteer themselves for the 

It is must for all the researchers to complete the research within the allocated time as the extension of the duration of the research will lead to hindrance in the functioning of the
PR will be decided by the Quality and the Contents of the Reports of the researchers. For this, all the current ranks of the all the members of DUFOR will be suspended and changed to the lowest rank, i.e. all the members 
of DUFOR will be assigned the rank of
Researchers and due to the Promotional
Procedure they will be promoted to the Higher Ranks. 

P.S. - This Promotional Procedure is exclusive for only the members of DUFOR. It will not affect EURON. The Promotional Procedure for EURON will be based on the work done by the 
members of EURON and NOT by the number of research topics taken by them, as the primary work of EURON is Broadcasting. However, members of EURON can also take up the 
research topics that are assigned.

  • Benefits

By implementing this system, the efficiency of the research will be improved. Also the need  for the research training will be satisfied. 


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