Alien invaders will ‘crack this planet open like a nut’ warns UFO expert


“If alien visitors ever arrived to take over planet Earth, humans wouldn’t stand a chance.

In fact, they’d ‘crack this planet open like a nut’, according to one famed UFO expert.

Nick Pope, who investigated UFOs for the Ministry of Defence, says humans are toast if E.Ts invade because their weapon technology will probably be billions of years ahead of ours.

He says sci-fi flicks where humans vanquish hordes of invading little green men are unrealistic, as their weapons would be so advanced they’d seem like ‘magic’ to us.

Despite this, the UK Government says it has no plans to launch its own investigation into UFOs and the threat they could pose to Brits.

But Mr Pope slammed the ‘idea we would suddenly pull something out of the bag and defeat an alien invasion’.

He added: ‘Just to put this in context, the universe is nearly 14 billion years old, and there might be civilisations out there with a billion year head start on us.’

Now if you think about the difference in technology, think how far we’ve come in the last two three hundred years, basically from horse and cart and ships sailing across the ocean using the wind, we have come from that to stealth fighters, space probes and smartphones in just that short period of time.

‘Now imagine that hypothetical civilisation or rather civilisations, look, the chances of there being just one other civilisation in the universe are as vanishingly small as the chances of being alone, it’s going to be very crowded out there.

‘The chances that we will encounter a civilization and it will be 20/30 years ahead of us in scientific understanding and technological advancement, that’s not going to be the situation.

‘They will be, like I say, millions, maybe a couple of billion years ahead of us and their technology will be indistinguishable from magic.”



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