“I went to meet my friend at his house after a soccer game at about noon on a Sunday. It was a nice clear and warm day so I went out on his patio at the back of the house to wait for him. The patio looks over the canal and the mountains on the other side of the water. I noticed what I thought was a flock of birds over the water but then quickly realized they were too far away to be birds. I thought maybe they were planes but they didn’t look like planes or make any sound. Their were about 15 objects that were against the green mountains and then they went in front of the snow caps on the mountains and I could tell they weren’t planes or helicopters or birds, they were just solid objects that made no sound. I watched them for as long as I could and then they were out of my site. They would have been travelling North towards Mt Klitsa. I’ve attached a photo of what I saw looking against the snow cap mountains.”
Note picture below is real
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